IOTEX Nano BubblerThe Public Health Agency of Canada reported that 18,000 Canadians contracted drug-resistant infections while in hospital. Approximately, 8500 Canadians die from post-operative infections every year.

There is nothing like the IOTEX™ NanoBubbler presently in use. The IOTEX™ NanoBubbler is the solution to the problem of effectively treating at-risk patients who are suffering from topical and other infections.

The IOTEX™ NanoBubbler is a patented machine that infuses water with a safe, anti-infection ingredient:

  • chemistry that is safe for people, deadly for microbes
  • different-sized IOTEX™ NanoBubbler machines can be made depending on need.

IOTEX™ has created a number of topical, anti-infection products from a resin originally used in the Space Shuttle to treat water.

IOTEX™ products, in vitro, kill all tested pathogens, including, methicillin- resistant bacteria (MRSA) and pseudomonas aeruginosa, etc., (please see enclosed laboratory tests).

IOTEX Nano BubblerThe IOTEX™ NanoBubbler, uniquely,

  • decreases inflammation and therefore decreases pain when treating wounds
  • can be used to treat diabetic sores and thereby prevent amputations and/or deaths - can be used to treat burn victims
  • can be used to treat athlete’s foot infections
  • can be used to ameliorate the symptoms of psoriasis
  • can be used to ameliorate the symptoms of eczema
  • may be an effective treatment for shingles

The IOTEX™ NanoBubbler can be modified to be used in agriculture:

  • to prevent and control the spread of infections between cattle, sheep and pigs
  • to treat lower leg infections in horses
  • in abbatoirs to decrease the possibility of contamination
  • in aquaculture instead of antibiotics

The IOTEX™ NanoBubbler can be used by veterinarians to treat skin infections and hair problems in dogs and cats. IOTEX™ products do not damage the environment.

IOTEX™ products have had limited use in vivo; however, in post-earthquake Haiti, for example, they proved to be extremely effective.

IOTEX™ products, depending on the situation, can cost less than a penny per use. IOTEX™ products, after thirty years in use, have never encountered bio-resistance.

There is a vast market that needs the IOTEX™ NanoBubbler and other IOTEX™ prodcuts, for example:

  • there are approximately 6000 medical centers in North America
  • there are approximately 6600 veterinarian medical facilities in North America

Retail price for a hospital-sized IOTEX™ NanoBubbler is less than $7,500.00. Replacement cost for the active ingredients is $1,000.00 per year, per unit. There will be a 10% discount for clients who return the active ingredient cartridges.

In a hospital setting, depending on the number of patients treated per day, the per patient cost during the first year would be $5 or less, decreasing to $0.50 or less, beginning in the second year.

To treat a chronic wound in Canada presently costs between $10,000 and $17,000 per year. To close a chronic wound, presently takes approximately 165 days.

The IOTEX™ NanoBubbler and the IOTEX™ Anti-Infection Fabric can dramatically decrease the costs and the treatment times.

Diabetes alone, costs Canada approx. $7 billion per year

  • in direct hospital costs
  • cardiovascular disease treatment
  • G.P. costs
  • specialist costs
  • medication costs

The IOTEX™ NanoBubbler can have a major impact on 4 of those 5 treatment costs.

More importantly, the IOTEX™ NanoBubbler can decrease up to a 75% of the amputations caused by diabetic infections.

The IOTEX™ Nano-Spray and IOTEX™ Anti-Infection Fabric can be used on small or large cuts, to prevent them from becoming life-threatening conditions.

The IOTEX™ Nano-Spray can be used as a hand and face sanitizer to replace triclosan and/or alcohol wipes.

According to the World Health Organization, approx. 347,000,000 people worldwide have diabetes, and the numbers are increasing.

Using IOTEX™ products can help reduce the growth of DRI’s (drug resistant infections)

U.S. patents on the key components

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