Suspendisse ac malesuada nisi. Ut luctus eros sed est mollis bibendum. Pellentesque ultrices porta est et efficitur. Sed metus nibh, tincidunt sit amet ullamcorper quis, pharetra id dolor.
System includes:
Water purification and water filtration integrated with a 1,300-litre (330 US gal.) holding tank
Nano-technology used to maintain water purification in the holding tank
System tested at 1X107 of pathogenic bacteria/ml
Purification includes all tested biological pathogens
4,000-litres (1,000-US gal) of treated water every 90 minutes
4 litres (1 US gal.) of gas will provide for 20,000 litres (5,000 gal) of treated water
Approximately 200,000 (50,000 gal) of water can be treated before requiring replacement of the active ingredients
It is not necessary to have an engineer operate and maintain the system
The IOTEX™: Mobile Water Purification System costs much less than any comparable system presently being used